Monday, September 14, 2009

Hello, blog world.

Sleepictures is an artist based company that sells accessories and apparel created using Teresa Flower's  artwork. It is a very unique and fun product line and has been placed in small boutiques in the West including Doe on Haight Street in San Francisco. Some history for you...Sleepictures started in 2001. Teresa started becoming well known for her photography and started putting her images in belt buckles. She is the founder of The Womens Art center, in Salt Lake City. Then Teresa's products took off. Health issues came into the picture but she continued to focus on her products and Sleepictures has been growing ever since. If you would like to know more about Teresa, Gavin from City Weekly wrote a wonderful article about her that you can read here.
Check out the Sleepictures website...

My name is Brittanee Taylor, and I am doing an internship for Sleepictures. I am an artist as well, and got this opportunity to see what it's like on the business side of being an artist. I can't believe how much work it is! I do everything from calling high-end boutiques in California to send their buyers linesheets, to setting up booths at events or art fairs, to emailing, emailing, emailing, to making necklaces. I'm also meeting more people than I ever thought I would in the art community. We are based out of Salt Lake City and have quite a few events coming up, and I will be posting them soon. 
ps you can add Sleepictures on Facebook! 

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