Sunday, October 25, 2009

One year.

Friday night, we gathered, (we: Teresa, Annika, Brittanee and her posse (Jemie, Blaise, Chris, Brikaeli) ) we planned, we accomplished.
Mission: to tag this old blue abandoned building with some art and lovin'.
It was 10:30 when we met at the building, everyone had a task. All the girls posted up to keep watch for cop cars and/or suspicious looking vehicles. Bird calls/barks/throw up noises all practiced to a T, we were ready. The boys all stuck up the 6 foot sticker of a painting that Teresa did of her and her boy Jordan. We finished in no time flat just as 3 cop cars drove past.

Mission accomplished.

Jordan saw the next day.

Now there is just a ghost image.

Happy anniversary you two love bugs!


teresa Flowers said...

awwww.....cute, thanks brit!

Jordan said...

its still up in my heart